
Object-based classification of mixed forest types in Mongolia

The aim of this study is to produce updated forest map of the Bogdkhan Mountain, Mongolia using multitemporal Sentinel-2A images. The target area has highly mixed forest types and it is very difficult to differentiate the fuzzy boundaries among different forest types. To extract the forest class information, an objectbased classification technique is applied and a rule-base to separate the mixed classes is developed. The rule-base uses a hierarchy of rules describing different conditions under which the actual classification has to be performed. To compare the result of the developed method with a result of a pixel-based approach, a Bayesian maximum likelihood classification is applied. The final result indicates overall accuracy of 90.87% for the object-based classification, while for the pixel-based approach it is 79.89%. Overall, the research indicates that the object-based method that uses a thoroughly defined segmentation and a well-constructed rule-base can significantly improve the classification of mixed forest types and produce a reliable forest map.

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Author E. Nyamjargal, D. Amarsaikhan, A. Munkh-Erdene, V. Battsengel & Ch. Bolorchuluun
Maintainer Jargaldalai
Version 2019
Last Updated November 22, 2020, 05:50 (UTC)
Created November 22, 2020, 05:50 (UTC)