
Cost-effective sampling of 137Cs-derived net soil redistribution

Here, we support future studies of 137Cs-derived net soil redistribution to apply their often limited resources across scales of variation (field, catchment, region etc.) without compromising the quality of the estimates at any scale. We describe a hybrid, design-based and model-based, stratified random sampling design with composites to estimate the sampling variance and a cost model for fieldwork and laboratory measurements. Geostatistical mapping of net (1954e2012) soil redistribution as a case study on the Chinese Loess Plateau is compared with estimates for several other sampling designs popular in the literature. We demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of the hybrid design for spatial estimation of net soil redistribution. To demonstrate the limitations of current sampling approaches to cut across scales of variation, we extrapolate our estimate of net soil redistribution across the region, show that for the same resources, estimates from many fields could have been provided and would elucidate the cause of differences within and between regional estimates. We recommend that future studies evaluate carefully the sampling design to consider the opportunity to investigate 137Cs-derived net soil redistribution across scales of variation.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Source Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 141 (2015) 97-105
Author Y. Li, A. Chappell, B. Nyamdavaa, H. Yu, D. Davaasuren, K. Zoljargal
Maintainer М.Самдандорж
Last Updated September 26, 2018, 12:02 (UTC)
Created September 26, 2018, 12:02 (UTC)