
Rock glacier and periglacial processes in the Mongolian Altai

Fieldwork, air photos and satellite images in the Mongolian Altai showed the distribution of mountain permafrost and rock glaciers at elevations above 2200m. Other periglacial features, e.g. solifluction lobes, can be observed in elevations above 2600m asl only. Periglacial features and processes are mainly determined through existence of soil humidity during the freeze-thaw cycles. The accumulation of snow and/or the occurrence of frozen ground could mainly guarantee sufficient high soil humidity during the highest freeze-thaw cycles in spring and autumn seasons and determines cryogenic processes and periglacial forms (e.g. earth hummocks, patterned ground). The effects of radiation can reinforce this local influence. In Larch forests on northern slopes a cooler local climate with reduced evapotranspiration in the summer allows the preservation of frozen ground and/or permafrost. The distribution of rock glaciers is determined by the presence of rock fall or moraine debris composed of large boulders.

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Field Value
Source Permafrost, Phillips, Springman & Arenson (eds)
Author F. Lehmkuhl, G. Stauch, O. Batkhishig
Maintainer Т.Тэлмэн
Last Updated September 28, 2020, 07:13 (UTC)
Created September 28, 2020, 07:13 (UTC)