On the Effect of Thinning on Tree Growth and ...

URL: http://portal.igg.ac.mn/dataset/d7f2f7b7-8751-4ff9-98bd-160ff4b16a5c/resource/f4a91ae2-887c-40ad-aff5-cd51189c52a6/download/on-the-effect-of-thinning-on-tree-growth-and-stand.pdf

The forests of North Mongolia are largely dominated either by larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) or birch (Betula platyphylla Sukaczev). The increasing demand for timber and firewood is currently met by removal of wood from these forest stands. Therefore, silvicultural approaches that account for both utilization and protection are needed. Thinning trials were established in the research area Altansumber, in the mountain forest steppe west of the town of Darkhan. We analyzed the response of non-spatial and spatial structure and growth of birch and larch stands on thinning. Before thinning, spatial tree distribution was largely clumped. Thinning promoted regular tree distribution. Ingrowth of new stems after thinning tended to redirect stand structure towards clumping. Both relative and absolute tree growth and competition were evaluated before, directly after, and three years after the thinning. Competition played a significant role in tree growth before thinning. A eduction in competition after thinning triggered significantly increased growth of both birch and larch. The observed positive growth response was valid in absolute and relative terms. A methodically based forest management strategy, including thinning operations and selective cuttings, could be established, even under the harsh Mongolian conditions. Our findings could initiate the development of broader forest management guidelines for the light-taiga dominated stands.

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Data last updated September 24, 2018
Metadata last updated September 24, 2018
Created September 24, 2018
Format application/pdf
License Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)
createdover 6 years ago
last modifiedover 6 years ago
on same domainTrue
package idd7f2f7b7-8751-4ff9-98bd-160ff4b16a5c
revision id6c7c5f30-e742-471a-bc81-0714266c6c78
size5 MiB
url typeupload