
Investigation of fusion methods using multispectral optical and polarimetric SAR Images

Abstract: The aim of this study is to explore the performances of different data fusion techniques for the enhancement of urban features. For the data fusion, multiplicative method, Brovey transform, principal component analysis (PCA), Gram-Schmidt fusion, wavelet-based fusion and Elhers fusion are used and the results are compared.

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Source ШУА-ийн ИХ-ийн Эрдэм Шинжилгээний Бүтээл №10
Author Amarsaikhan, D. and Ganzorig, M
Maintainer Э.Жаргалдалай
Version 2010
Last Updated November 29, 2019, 06:15 (UTC)
Created November 29, 2019, 06:15 (UTC)