
Inefficiency in house-renting markets

Abstract: Many-to-one market mechanisms are vulnerable to many types of manipulations. This paper investigates the manipulation via capacities in the context of house-renting markets and derives the conditions under which matching mechanisms are immune to manipulation via capacities. We found that the outcome of the matching being Pareto efficient for real estates is a necessary and sufficient condition for non-manipulability via capacities. The main purpose of this paper is to show the relation between the preference ranking and manipulation via capacities.

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Нэмэлт мэдээлэл

Талбар Утга
Эх сурвалж ШУА-ийн ИХ-ийн Эрдэм Шинжилгээний Бүтээл №11
Зохиогч Enkhmanlai, A. and Amarsaikhan, D
Арчлагч Э.Жаргалдалай
Хувилбар 2011
Сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2019 11-р сар 29, 06:21 (UTC)
Үүссэн 2019 11-р сар 29, 06:21 (UTC)