Өгөгдлийн бүрдэл
ХАА-н салбарын экосистемийн хангамжийн үйлчилгээг зах зээлийн үнийн аргаар үн...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the contribution of the ecosystem services to the agricultural sector through economic evaluation. The study based on the “market price... -
Туул голын гадаргын урсцыг загварчлалын аргаар үнэлэх асуудалд
Urban area wastewater treatment, unmanaged mining activities, land cover degradation, and forest area changes are the key processes that negatively affect the water resources of... -
Simulation of discharge and pollutant's content in Tuul river basin with the ...
The aim of this study was to test the performance of the ArcSWAT model and the feasibility of using this model as a simulator of discharge and nitrogen and phosphorus yields... -
Международны опыт развития экотуризма: Страновая специфика и общие подходы
В статье рассмотрен опыт стран, которые обладают существенным природным потенциалом и проводят активную политику по планированию, регулированию, поддержке, продвижению и... -
Түргэн уулын дархан цаазат газрын мөстлөгийн өөрчлөлт
The aim of this study was to estimate glacier cover using optical remote sensing data Turgen Mountain strictly protected area in Uvs province, Mongolia. Two widely used snow... -
Landslides triggered by the West Japan Heavy Rain of July 2018, and geologica...
he record-breaking downpour that has soaked wide areas from west to central Japan—Kagoshima, Saga, Fukuoka, Ehime, Kochi, Yamaguchi, Hiroshima, Okayama, Hyogo, Kyoto, Shiga and... -
Forest Stand Species Mapping Using the Sentinel-2 Time Series
Accurate information regarding forest tree species composition is useful for a wide range of applications, both for forest management and scientific research. Remote sensing is... -
Flood Risk Mapping Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Analysis: A Greater Toronto A...
Given the increase in flood events in recent years, accurate flood risk assessment is an important component of flood mitigation in urban areas. This research aims to develop... -
Editorial for Glacial and Geomorphological Cartography Special Issue
Landforms are the most superficial part of the earth's crust. They are usually the foundations on which life develops, and continuously interact with the biosphere, hydrosphere,... -
Mapping pasture biomass in Mongolia using PLS, RF regression and Landsat 8 im...
Mapping pasture biomass in Mongolia using PLS, RF regression and Landsat 8 imagery -
Landsat ETM gape fill
ENVI программыг ашиглан Landsat ETM-ийн gape mask-ийг нөхөх -
Digital Baikal
Aleksandr Kononov Deputy director for science Institute of the Earth’s crust SB RAS, Russian Federation, Irkutsk. Email: kononov@crust.irk.ru -
Хэнтий аймгийн ландшафтын гадны нөлөөнд өртөх эрсдэлийг үнэлэх
Sensitivity landscapes of risk by external assessment to disclose landscape ecological status determination, landscape to anthropogenic load influence norms and standards. -
Монгол орны зүүн бүсийн ландшафтын ашиглалт, хамгаалалтын асуудалд
Eastern Mongolia dominated by arid steppe and desert steppe landscape. -
Ecological regional assessment and ecosystem management in Mongolia
The method of ecological regional assessment has widely used to develop a landscape conservation plan such as a systematic natural conservation planning and protection of... -
Бэлчээрт ашиглах талбайг тодорхойлоход газрын гадаргын онцлогийг харгалзан үзэх
We assessed morphometric analysis for livestock husbandary using categories: highly suitable, suitable, moderate, difficult and unsuitable. -
Монгол орны зүүн бүсийн ландшафтын дэд хэв шинжийн өөрчлөлт
The aim of this study was to estimate landscape type and it's change using satellite image eastern Mongolia. -
Ландшафтын орон зайн тархалтын загварыг ландшафтын зураглалд ашиглах асуудалд
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of mapping the landscape by combining landscape spatial model and GIS multi-criteria decision making methods. -
Дефляцийн эрчмийг уур амьсгалын зарим үзүүлэлтээр тооцох
This study presents deflation strength, one of wind- induced processes based on climate potential using climate indicators.
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