This study of purpose to determine the spread of soil distribution from desert regions Bayanmunkh soum to Sainshand city made up study transect along 200 km long. Soil distribution is dependent on the land elevation. Lighth Kastanozem soil and Brown soil of distribute terrain is to between above the sea 1050m-950m. The reaction conditions (pH) Kastanozem soil alkaline (7.5), Lighth Kastanozem soil alkaline (8.4), Brown soil strongly alkaline soils (9.2). Humus content of Kastanozem soil 2.1%, Lighth Kastanozem soil 1.2%, Brown soil 0.6%. Soil electrical conductivity of Kastanozem soil 0.072 dS/m, Lighth Kastanozem 0.232 dS/m, Brown soil of 0.336 dS/m.