
Халх гол орчмын хөрс

Study area located east of Buir lake and south of Khalkhgol river. This is wide flat plain with small depressions, using as grazing land. In the west of Khalkh gol soum center, located former agriculture field 45100 hectare area, which nearly not used since 1990-s. In the wide flat plains of Khalkhgol area mainly dominated sandy loamy and loamy Dark Kastanozem soils with carbonate and non-carbonated variants. In the study occur small and big depressions with salty Solonchak soils with complex of Solonetz soils. In the floodplain area of Khalkhgol river distributed Alluvial soils. Floodplain area soil cover is very complex differed by soil texture, humus thickness, salinity level and drainage conditions. In the north of Khalkhgol river, shorelines of Buir lake distributed sand dunes and sandy soils. The most fertile soil of project area is Loamy Dark Kastanozem soil. This soil characterized by 40 cm thick humus topsoil, with 2.4-2.9 % of organic content. Soil reaction slightly alkaline pH 7.4-7.7, exchangeable Calcium 30.4-26.0 meq/100g, available Phosphorus 1,2-1,3 mg/100g, Potassium 26-34.5 mg/100g, total Nitrogen 1229-1278 ppm. Soil fertile level is good, only need additional Phosphorus and some Nitrogen fertilizers. Second by fertility level soil is Sandy loamy Dark Kastanozem soil. This soils top humus layers thickness ranges 34,4 – 39,5 cm, humus content 1,94-2,15 %, fertility level little bit less than Loamy soil. Former agriculture field area (45 100 hectare) soil fertility level is nearly same as Dark Kastanozem soils. One of negative characteristic of this soil is presence of calcium carbonate in the topsoil with average content - 2.2 %. Nonirrigated agriculture practice, deep tillage, without windbreak, increased topsoil erosion and consequence is calcium carbonate in topsoil. This soil area covered 18049 hectare or 40 % of former agriculture field. According by Land capability class most suitable agriculture class is IV including Loamy Dark Kastanozem soils covered 23,2 % of territory. Second Class V area occupied 9.7 % territory. By fertility level these soils are suitable for agriculture only limiting factor is precipitation. Need to use irrigation, complex agriculture technologies to save water. Open flat plain area is susceptible to the soil wind erosion, therefore agriculture activities should be combined with against soil erosion methods.

Өгөгдөл ба материал

Нэмэлт мэдээлэл

Талбар Утга
Эх сурвалж Монгол орны Газарзүйн Aсуудал. №7. Улаанбаатар. 2011
Арчлагч М.Самдандорж
Сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2018 11-р сар 1, 03:08 (UTC)
Үүссэн 2018 11-р сар 1, 03:07 (UTC)