

Eco-Geomorphological analysis includes the impact assessment of relief which is laid under an ecosystem condition. The relief plays in direct and indirect, various ecological roles. The phenomenon that the elevation rising above the sea level is mostly influenced by indirectly way through climate to the reduced air pressure, oxygen deficiency, reduction of air temperature, excessive solar radiation, and creating strong wind. The depth of relief dissection of the mountainous area has a bumpy surface created from floods and mudflows, so this situation increasing energy consumption and causing further injuries during the climbing in the mountain, and also entirely burden in the domestic industry working. However, mountainous landscapes have a specific impact on human well-being and have a considerable tourism resource that dominates the area of interest. Under the steppe environment, the relief dissection increases the landscape unique features and its tourism potential, but in other respects, it is valued negatively. The relationships between the three types including the surface and the population, the surface and the livestock, the surface and the agriculture which are most significant for the studies on the interaction between environment and human society, are assessed and concluded.

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Нэмэлт мэдээлэл

Талбар Утга
Өгөгдлийн сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2019 11-р сар 18
Мета өгөгдөлийн сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2019 11-р сар 18
Үүссэн 2019 11-р сар 18
Хэлбэр application/pdf
Ашиглах зөвшөөрөл Creative Commons Attribution
created4 жилээс өмнө
last modified4 жилээс өмнө
on same domainTrue
package id5fbe644b-dc6b-4cf3-81dd-0641a5f8946c
revision id384d81a8-52bd-4ba1-8c29-e94326ea2722
size2.2 мегабайт
url typeupload