
URL: http://portal.igg.ac.mn/dataset/aa42c6de-9047-41bf-ba08-ec8a6c5b96ad/resource/64ef1ddb-e9c8-4e0a-8688-7716e288d4c3/download/g.byambaa-mssj_19.pdf

Soil investigation of Mongolia made by Russian scientists about 1970, in the Tovshruuleh area of Arkhangai aimag. In 2019 we made soil investigation on the same area with aim of soil organic carbon (SOC) change issue. Average drop of forest steppe SOC after 50 years is following: in the 5cm, soil depth -40.5%, in 15cm soil depth is -33.2% and 30cm soil depth is about -26.5%. By landscape positions SOC change differed. Valley bottom area SOC is more declining comparing to the plain area soils. 0-30cm top soil layer weighed average change of SOC within 50 year is -33.2% and SOC stock decline is 28.8 t/hectare. Impact of livestock pressure and climate warming on soil.


Энэхүү нөөцийн харагдац яг одоо байхгүй байна Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг энд дарж үзнэ үү.

Материал татах

Нэмэлт мэдээлэл

Талбар Утга
Өгөгдлийн сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2020 4-р сар 1
Мета өгөгдөлийн сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2020 4-р сар 1
Үүссэн 2020 4-р сар 1
Хэлбэр application/pdf
Ашиглах зөвшөөрөл Creative Commons Attribution
created4 жилээс өмнө
has viewsTrue
last modified4 жилээс өмнө
on same domainTrue
package idaa42c6de-9047-41bf-ba08-ec8a6c5b96ad
revision idb969a8d8-1dca-428f-b2a2-f65142b90b29
size3.9 мегабайт
url typeupload