The metallurgical and steel processing industries are considered strategically important industries as they form the basis of a country's industrial competitiveness and sustainable economy. Recently, the value of minerals and demand for metals are increasing. Thus, it is essential to build a metallurgical and steel processing factory in Mongolia based on the needs of national consumption and neighboring countries market demand. Therefore, it is crucial to select a suitable geographical location for any industrial regional development based on scientific, spatial analysis and estimation. The main goal of our research study is to use MCDA and AHP methods based on GIS including natural conditions, resources, socioeconomic factors and other related data to identify suitable locations for metallurgical and steel processing factories in Mongolia. In order to determine the suitable location for metallurgical and steel processing industries research team used multi criteria analysis method including the total of 28 factors: seven factors based on mineral resources and natural resources; 4 infrastructure factors, two market factors, eight socio-economic factors, and seven natural constraint factors based on area where industries and activities are prohibited in accordance with the legislation of Mongolia. According to the research results, 9.8 percent of the total area is highly suitable, 22.7 percent is suitable, 22.4 percent is unsuitable, and 45.1 percent is constraint area for industrial and steel processing industries. The result of the study shows that our assessment is precisely overlaps (kappa coefficient = 0.84) with the location of existing metallurgical and steel industries and compatible with the regions where other projects and action program planning to build new industries in Mongolia

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Талбар Утга
Өгөгдлийн сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2022 12-р сар 7
Мета өгөгдөлийн сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2022 12-р сар 7
Үүссэн 2022 12-р сар 7
Хэлбэр application/pdf
Ашиглах зөвшөөрөл Бусад (Нээлттэй)
created1 жилээс өмнө
last modified1 жилээс өмнө
on same domainTrue
package idd8ae3b64-259b-42ef-a6ee-b8633982d80f
revision idcf19d3ab-1e2d-4c2e-8fe8-df5d8f147c86
size1.1 мегабайт
url typeupload