

The Ehyyn-gol oasis areas soil salinization increasing and organic content decreasing. This is very clear in Meadow-boggy and Meadow soils, which distributed small areas, but considered as a high fertile soil of oasis area. On the top of the Meadow-boggy, Meadow soils accumulated 2 cm thick salt cover and marked increase of salt contents 4-10 times and decrease of humus content 50%. Soil salinization process influenced by human activity and climate warming (moisture, dryness coefficient reduced 2 times, ground water table lowered by 60-66 cm, vegetation cover reduced 30-50%) process in last 20 years. Gobi oasis is very small-restricted area represerting residual paleo meadow soil and vegetations-which must care special protection stale. Present ecological condition of oasis area shows that, human activities not to be exceed a nature potential of this territory,lncreasing tendency of salinization of soil (as a plant growing base) is very clear evidence of activity of desertification process an oasis ecosystem.

Өгөгдөл ба материал

Нэмэлт мэдээлэл

Талбар Утга
Эх сурвалж Монголын Хөрс Судлал (2016), 01, 51-61
Зохиогч Ж.Мандахбаяр
Арчлагч М.Самдандорж
Сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2018 12-р сар 11, 12:03 (UTC)
Үүссэн 2018 12-р сар 11, 12:03 (UTC)