Accurate assessment of land degradation is a global need, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. In practice, synergistic uses that integrate field and long term... -
Монгол орны экологи-геоморфологийн чадавхын нэгдсэн үнэлгээ
The depth of relief dissection of the mountainous area has a bumpy surface created from floods and mudflows, so this situation increasing energy consumption and causing further... -
Чулуун мандлын экологи-геологийн чадавхын үнэлгээний үр дүнгээс (Геохимийн хү...
Ecological geology on one side is a new direction of geological science and an integral part of geo-ecology on the other. Ecological role of rock sphere through geological... -
ХАА-н салбарын экосистемийн хангамжийн үйлчилгээг зах зээлийн үнийн аргаар үн...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the contribution of the ecosystem services to the agricultural sector through economic evaluation. The study based on the “market price... -
Туул голын гадаргын урсцыг загварчлалын аргаар үнэлэх асуудалд
Urban area wastewater treatment, unmanaged mining activities, land cover degradation, and forest area changes are the key processes that negatively affect the water resources of... -
Simulation of discharge and pollutant's content in Tuul river basin with the ...
The aim of this study was to test the performance of the ArcSWAT model and the feasibility of using this model as a simulator of discharge and nitrogen and phosphorus yields... -
Международны опыт развития экотуризма: Страновая специфика и общие подходы
В статье рассмотрен опыт стран, которые обладают существенным природным потенциалом и проводят активную политику по планированию, регулированию, поддержке, продвижению и... -
Түргэн уулын дархан цаазат газрын мөстлөгийн өөрчлөлт
The aim of this study was to estimate glacier cover using optical remote sensing data Turgen Mountain strictly protected area in Uvs province, Mongolia. Two widely used snow...