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Soil Mongolia_FAO
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Result of Chinggis wall (Sartagtai) investigation
The hige ground wall construction named “Chingiss wall” occurred different parts of central Asia mostly in territory of Mongolia. Some of them stretches several hundred... -
Rock glacier and periglacial processes in the Mongolian Altai
Fieldwork, air photos and satellite images in the Mongolian Altai showed the distribution of mountain permafrost and rock glaciers at elevations above 2200m. Other periglacial... -
Observed trends in surface freezing/thawing index over the period 1987–2005 i...
The annual ground surface freezing and thawing indices can be useful to assess the temporal changes of ground thermal regime in permafrost and seasonally frozen ground regions.... -
Investigating internal structure of permafrost using conventional methods and...
A ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey was conducted at the end of August 2009 in the suburb region of Ulaanbaatar, Honhor basin, Mongolia, in combination with conventional... -
Soils of the lake Hovsgol area and its watershed
Тус өгөгдлийн бүрдэл тайлбаргүй байна
Divergences of Two Coupled Human and Natural Systems on the Mongolian Platea
Central to the concept of coupled human and natural systems (CHANS), humans and nature are organized into interacting subsystems of a cohesive whole at multiple spatial and... -
Comparing patterns of ecosystem service consumption and perceptions of range ...
Ecosystems in the Central Asian Plateau, which includes the Mongolian Plateau, are becoming increasingly sensitive to human interventions, leading to deterioration of already... -
The consequences of land-use change and water demands in Central Mongolia
After two decades of decreasing agricultural activities, in 2008 the Mongolian government started the “Third Campaign of Reclaiming Virgin Lands”, aiming at massive expansion... -
According by soil investigation of Ulaanbaatar city area in 2012 soil heavy metal contamination generally was low. In some areas revealed anomaly high content of Chromium, Lead... -
Хураангуй - Land degradation and desertification is a comprehensive concept that depends on many factors. To detecting early of land degradation is a significant issue of social... -
Таримал өсвөр нарсан (pinus sylvestris l.) ойн амьдралт, өсөлтөнд уур амьсгал...
Эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэл -
Монгол орны экологи-геоморфологийн чадавхын нэгдсэн үнэлгээ
The depth of relief dissection of the mountainous area has a bumpy surface created from floods and mudflows, so this situation increasing energy consumption and causing further... -
Чулуун мандлын экологи-геологийн чадавхын үнэлгээний үр дүнгээс (Геохимийн хү...
Ecological geology on one side is a new direction of geological science and an integral part of geo-ecology on the other. Ecological role of rock sphere through geological... -
ХАА-н салбарын экосистемийн хангамжийн үйлчилгээг зах зээлийн үнийн аргаар үн...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the contribution of the ecosystem services to the agricultural sector through economic evaluation. The study based on the “market price... -
Туул голын гадаргын урсцыг загварчлалын аргаар үнэлэх асуудалд
Urban area wastewater treatment, unmanaged mining activities, land cover degradation, and forest area changes are the key processes that negatively affect the water resources of... -
Simulation of discharge and pollutant's content in Tuul river basin with the ...
The aim of this study was to test the performance of the ArcSWAT model and the feasibility of using this model as a simulator of discharge and nitrogen and phosphorus yields... -
Международны опыт развития экотуризма: Страновая специфика и общие подходы
В статье рассмотрен опыт стран, которые обладают существенным природным потенциалом и проводят активную политику по планированию, регулированию, поддержке, продвижению и... -
Түргэн уулын дархан цаазат газрын мөстлөгийн өөрчлөлт
The aim of this study was to estimate glacier cover using optical remote sensing data Turgen Mountain strictly protected area in Uvs province, Mongolia. Two widely used snow... -
Result of study on developing forest seed region in Mongolia
In foreign countries, motor roads and railroads are usually used as borders of forest seed regions. In the case of Mongolia, this method is not suitable in view of the sparse...
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