Өгөгдлийн бүрдэл
Spatial and temporal change patterns of near-surface CO2 and CH4 concentratio...
Эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэл -
Spatiotemporal variation in snow cover and its effects on grassland phenology...
Эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэл -
We have used speleothems from six caves along a north-south transect in Eastern Siberia and the Mongolian Gobi Desert to track the evolution of permafrost and desert aridity... -
Comparing patterns of ecosystem service consumption and perceptions of range ...
Ecosystems in the Central Asian Plateau, which includes the Mongolian Plateau, are becoming increasingly sensitive to human interventions, leading to deterioration of already... -
Spatiotemporal variations in fire behavior in the Mongolian Plateau during 20...
Тус өгөгдлийн бүрдэл тайлбаргүй байна
NDVI-Based Long Term Vegetation Dynamics and Its Response to Climate Change i...
Abstract: The response of vegatation to regional climate change was quantified between 1982 and 2010 in teh Mongolian plateau by integrating the Advanced Very High Resolution...
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